Home » Bulgaria is in 7th Place in the EU in terms of Aging Population
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Bulgaria is in 7th Place in the EU in terms of Aging Population

Bulgaria is in seventh place among the member states of the European Union in terms of an aging population – in 2022, the average age in our country is 45.1 years, compared to 44.4 years on average for the Union, according to the latest Eurostat data. In first place according to this indicator is Italy – with 48 years. At the other extreme is Cyprus with an average age of 38.3 years.

Last year, a higher average age than the one in our country was recorded in only six countries – apart from Italy, these are Portugal, Greece, Germany, Spain and Croatia.

The data show that in 2021, the average age in Bulgaria was 45 years, and in 2012 – 42.7 years. For comparison, the average age of the Bulgarian population was 36 years in 1989.

In 2012, the average age of the population of the European Union was 41.9 years, which means that in the ten years between then and last year it rose by 2.5 years.

Source : Novinite.com
