Home » Bulgaria: Changes in the Labor Code will Limit the Ability of the Boss to Seek the Worker on Off Days
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Bulgaria: Changes in the Labor Code will Limit the Ability of the Boss to Seek the Worker on Off Days

The boss will not have the right to seek the worker on weekends through emails and messages on social networks. This will apply to those who work from home. The change was proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and is part of a whole package of amendments to the Labor Code, which were published for public consultation, bTV reported.

The reasons state that this is done to ensure the protection of remote workers by regulating the right of the worker not to communicate electronically with their boss during off days.

Since in some professions, it is necessary in certain situations for the boss to have the right to communicate with the worker, the possibility of agreeing the conditions under which this will be permissible is regulated in the individual or collective employment contract.

The amendments also regulate the minimum requirements for what the employment contract should contain for remote workers.

The worker will be obliged to secure the place where they will work remotely, and it must not pose a risk to his health and life. The changes also require the worker and the employee who work from home to provide the employer with written information about the characteristics of the workplace provided by him for performing his duties. They are also obliged to notify their immediate supervisor of any workplace accident.

According to the new texts in the Labor Code, the actual time worked can also be reported through an automated system for reporting working hours. They allow the worker or employee to request from their employer access to the data in the system about their working hours.

Source : Novinite
