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Bulgarian Company Turns Old Textiles into New Products

Bulgarian company TexCycle, specialized in collection, sorting, distribution and recycling of used clothing, shoes and other textiles, has become increasingly actively in remodeling and repairing old textiles. In the past month, the company’s studio has created 50 pet beds that were donated to several shelters in Bulgaria, TexCycle said.

The beds are specially designed with stuffing made from mechanically recycled fibers, and the covers are sewn from reused textiles. Among the organizations and shelters that received donations from the company are Animal Rescue, Pure Love, The Furry Inn and Aid for Animals in Need.

Valentina Velikova from the TexCycle team said that the company is looking for creative solutions to extend the life of clothes, but also to create new products from recycled fabrics. Remodelling of clothes and products is an innovative solution for the recovery of textile materials that are not suitable for reuse. Instead of these materials ending up in a landfill or incinerator, they are transformed into new and useful products that re-enter the market as valuable items.

With the growing focus on sustainability and textile waste management, clothing repair and alterations are becoming established as important practices on a global and European level, the company further said. Internationally, increasing awareness of the environmental impacts of the fashion industry is leading to growing interest in such practices. In Europe, clothing repair initiatives are actively promoted through various regulatory measures.

The TexCycle team has noticed a positive trend that more and more retail chains in Bulgaria are contacting them to provide clothing repair services. They say this reflects a growing recognition of the importance of these sustainable practices and retailers’ drive to adapt to new requirements and expectations to reduce waste and extend the life cycle of textiles.

